Une page de notes de terrain prise par Jane à Gombe. Goodall's academic credentials were solidified when she received a Ph.D. in ethology from Cambridge University in 1965; she was just the eighth person in the university's long history permitted to pursue a Ph.D. without first earning a baccalaureate degree. It takes nerve to get close to wild adult chimpanzees. Why or why not? I'm Dr. Jane Goodall. This was a groundbreaking moment – the first time in history that an animal other than a human had been recorded making and using a tool. Another of the significant discoveries Goodall made was that male chimps patrol the borders of their territory. Après avoir presque passé un an ensemble dans la réserve de Gombe, le duo tomba amoureux et se maria en 1964. Il se consacre à la proposition que c’est seulement en nous changeant nous-mêmes que nous pouvons changer le monde – et que pour nous changer nous-mêmes nous avons besoin de ce genre de pénétration et de perception que l’art, la littérature et les domaines spirituels peuvent le mieux procurer ». Humans are driving our nearest relative closer to extinction. On these occasions Goodall had to stay calm and not give in to fear: many people would have in similar circumstances. Older siblings adopted younger ones if a mother died, and would even adopt an orphan from another mother if it had no relative to protect it. There, under the mentorship of paleoanthropologist Dr. Louis Leakey, she began her landmark study of chimpanzees in the wild. Its wildlife was fascinating; magical; mesmerizing. Jane Goodall hasn't found the missing link, but she's come closer than nearly anyone else. With David Greybeard’s acceptance, other chimps began to be less timid. Her favorite books – Doctor Doolittle, The Jungle Book, and Tarzan – all involved people who were spectacularly close to animals and could communicate with them. Jane Goodall is an expert on alpha males — for decades, she's been studying them in chimpanzee communities. She began to dream that one day she might be able to study animals in Africa. 9. Her mother, Margaret Myfanwe Joseph, was a secretary who later became an author, writing under the name Vanne Morris-Goodall. She is seen as the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees and is known for her 60-year study of chimpanzees' social and family interactions. I remember crying because I'd caused the dragonfly to be killed." Cela tombait à pic, car Jane voulait rester parmi les chimpanzés pour en apprendre plus et parce qu’elle voulait « apprendre des choses que personne d’autre ne savait, découvrir des secrets par le biais d’observations patientes ». For the first few months the chimps ran away whenever they saw Goodall. Leakey commenta après cette découverte de Jane : « Maintenant, nous devons redéfinir la notion d’homme, la notion d’outil, ou alors accepter le chimpanzé comme humain ». She won two school prizes for essay writing. At the young age of 26, she followed her passion for animals and Africa to Gombe, Tanzania, where she began her landmark study of chimpanzees in the wild, immersing herself in their habitat as a neighbor rather than a distant observer. She received the 2021 Templeton Prize in celebration of her remarkable career, which arose from and was sustained by a keen scientific and spiritual curiosity. In 1935, when she was a year old, the family moved out of London to the town of Weybridge. Additionally, Goodall was sent to study the vervet monkey, which lives on an island in Lake Victoria. Goodall chuckled, then replied: “I see the same sort of behavior as a male chimpanzee will show when he is competing for dominance with another.”. The Gombe Reserve became a National Park in 1968 and Goodall continued to carry out research there for most of the next twenty five years. Jane observa de nombreux points communs des humains avec ces primates qui nous paraissent aujourd’hui logiques telle que la notion de famille et la chasse. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006, Lynn Margulis, Eduardo Punset However, the . Des scientifiques ont critiqué sa façon peu conventionnelle de faire son étude. In conversation with head of TED Chris Anderson, she tells the story of her formative days working with chimpanzees, how she transformed from a revered naturalist into a dedicated activist and how she's empowering communities around the world to save natural habitats. Goodall outlined the moral dilemma of keeping chimpanzees captive in her 1990 book, Through a Window: "The more we learn of the true nature of nonhuman animals, especially those with complex brains and corresponding complex social behavior, the more ethical concerns are raised regarding their use in the service of man—whether this be in entertainment, as 'pets,' for food, in research laboratories or any of the other uses to which we subject them," she wrote. She has openly declared her opposition to militant animal rights groups who engage in violent or destructive demonstrations. The views expressed in the column are his own. In 1974, she divorced her first husband and, in 1975, married Derek Bryceson, member of Tanzanian parliament and Director of Tanzania’s National Parks. Depuis sa création, l’Institut a développé de nombreux programmes novateurs comme le fameux Roots & Shoots, qui est en fait un programme humanitaire pour les jeunes afin de développer leur prise de conscience et leur implication dans la préservation de notre planète. Jane’s father was posted to France in 1940, at which point the rest of the family – Jane, her mother, and younger sister Judith – moved to her grandmother’s home in the beach resort of Bournemouth. In 1973 she was appointed honorary visiting professor of Zoology at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Jane Goodall was the first person to observe chimpanzees creating and using tools—a trait that, at that time, was thought to be distinctly human. Toolmaking was previously thought to be an exclusively human trait. She had wanted to find out how chickens laid eggs and had sat waiting for one to come into the hen house so she could see for herself how it actually happened. Cela avait établi un lien de confiance, qui allait se renforcer le long de son séjour. Along with being honored as Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, she was named a United Nations Messenger of Peace in 2002. Within four months Goodall had observed behavior that contradicted a belief strongly held by archaeologists: that only humans used tools. A primatologist is someone who studies non-human primates such as monkeys, lemurs and gorillas. Goodall used her newfound acceptance to establish what she termed the "banana club," a daily systematic feeding method she used to gain trust and to obtain a more thorough understanding of everyday chimpanzee behavior. He did not want the research to be carried out by anyone with the preconceptions of a typical university academic. Jane Goodall now spends most of her time raising awareness of the plight of wild chimpanzees, whose numbers have been devastated in the course of the last century, falling from about 1 million to somewhere in the region of 200 thousand, or possibly fewer. Meg Greene In 2021, Baribault became chair of the Jane Goodall Institute, an organization founded in 1977 that's involved in community-centered conservation, research, advocacy and youth empowerment. Then came a television documentary series Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees, which was a big success. Before she became a renowned humanitarian, conservationist, and animal activist, Dr. Jane Goodall was a little girl with a special toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. We can move toward a world where we live in harmony with nature. They called him “Grub” and raised him in Gombe with the chimpanzees. In 1958, aged 25, Jane Goodall traveled back to London and spent some time in the offices of experts in the fields of primate anatomy and behavior. Pour s’intégrer dans le monde des chimpanzés, Jane s’est énormément investie, allant jusqu’à passer des heures dans les arbres avec les primates, à imiter leurs comportements, ou encore à manger leur nourriture, qu’elle trouvait parfois meilleure que ses propres provisions. Goodall's research altered societal perception of chimps, including our ideas about their capacity for community, self-sustainability and human-like behavior. Conservation Jane shifted from scientist to conservationist and activist after attending a primatology conference in 1986, where she noticed all the presenters mentioned deforestation at their study sites worldwide. In his excellent biography of Jane Goodall, Dale Peterson quotes one of her diary entries from early 1951 when, aged 16, she wrote: “Woke up to be faced by yet another dreary day of torture at that gloomy place of discipline and learning, where one is stuffed with ‘education’ from day’s dawn to day’s eve.”. To demonstrate Goodall's underlying beliefs, we look at some of the remarks she has made over the years. Many more books followed. A Happy Childhood and a Love of Nature In fact, after they grew more used to Goodall, some became initially rather hostile. Leakey believed that humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor, an idea advanced in earlier times by Charles Darwin. By A. C. Grimes / Oct. 30, 2017 4:06 pm EST. Her groundbreaking discoveries have changed . . Does Jane Goodall live in London or the USA? Many experts objected to Leakey's selection of Goodall because she had no formal scientific education and lacked even a general college degree. Jane, d’origine britannique, a été nommée Commandeur de l’Empire Britannique en 1995 par Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II, puis Dame Commandeur de l’Empire Britannique en 2004 par le Prince Charles. Invitée au Kenya par une amie, Jane Goodall y fait la rencontre du célèbre paléoanthropologue kényan Louis Leakey en 1957, à l'âge de 23 ans . Chimps were also widely believed to be vegetarians, but Goodall observed them hunting, killing, and eating small colobus monkeys. I tend to agree with trek on this one. The Gombe chimp observation, which Jane began in 1960, is the world's longest running . It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on April 1, 2001. While reluctantly resigned to the continuation of animal research, she feels that young scientists must be educated to treat animals more compassionately. He hoped this might uncover evidence of behavioral similarities in humans and chimpanzees that would help make the case for his common ancestor theory. Jane Austen was a Georgian era author, best known for her social commentary in novels including 'Sense and Sensibility,' 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Emma.'. © All rights reserved. Mothers, children, and siblings developed deep ties, often assisting each other throughout their lifetimes. Jane avec des jeunes engagés avec Roots & Shoots. L’institut de Jane Goodall, fort du lien de sa fondatrice avec les chimpanzés, vise aussi à les protéger, à gérer leurs réserves naturelles et à créer des refuges en Afrique. They claim that the food causes higher levels of aggression and conflict, distorting normal behavior. A few weeks later, Goodall noticed David Greybeard climbing a tree holding something that looked like meat. Goodall later lamented how the divisiveness created in America ― by Trump and others ―“is a tragedy” that “can have a ripple effect around the world.”. Jane avec son premier époux, Hugo Van Lawick, et leur fils Hugo Eric Louis Van Lawick, dit “Grub”. She is best-known for her study of chimpanzee social and family life in Gombe Stream National Park for 45 years, and for founding the Jane Goodall Institute. Her revelatory observation in 1960 that chimpanzees make and use tools . Direct link to weber's post “I am wondering, has there...”, Answer weber's post “I am wondering, has there...”, Comment on weber's post “I am wondering, has there...”, Posted 7 years ago. Jane's net worth is $12 million estimated as of the current year 2023. Mothers are taught this by their own mothers. Goodall's groundbreaking research at Gombe Stream National Park has now spanned six decades. Dre Goodall se déplace encore à travers le monde pour des conférences, des colloques, des symposiums…. Tool Making She urges us to start using it to change the world. Jane démontre même la présence d’un langage, certes primitif, avec plus de vingt sons. It was, however, not only the chimps who needed to be cautious. 10. She likened this behavior to that of human criminal gangs protecting their territory. With a number of major discoveries under her belt, Louis Leakey advised Goodall that she should get an academic qualification. Jane voyage toujours trois cents jours par année pour alerter l’opinion publique et pour faire de la sensibilisation sur les dangers qu’encourt notre planète. Her mother accompanied her for the first few months. At his prompting, she agreed to attempt such a study. At the age of five Jane went missing in Folkestone and a search was started for her. Social Chimps Becoming Accepted Jane has prosopagnosia, which is a condition that makes her not to recognize familiar faces. De ce fait, elle canalise ses efforts sur la nouvelle génération de scientifiques, en leur demandant d’avoir un peu plus de compassion envers ces animaux. When the chimp withdrew the twig, it was covered with delicious termites ready to be licked off. Jane Goodall is an expert on wild chimpanzees. "This concern is sharpened when the usage in question leads to intense physical or mental suffering—as is so often true with regard to vivisection.". The real Jubilee with her mother Boo Boo. Un an après, seuls trente mètres séparaient Jane des familles de grands singes. 8. In 1986, aged 52, she ended her time at Gombe and published her research in the comprehensive book The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior, based on 26 years of observations. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Nous, humains, sommes capables du pire comme du meilleur, mais ces primates aussi : Jane a été le témoin d’une guerre entre deux clans qui s’est terminée lorsque le dernier membre de l’un des clans est mort. Celui-ci effectuait à cette époque des fouilles dans la Corne de l’Afrique. Watch Goodall’s Trump analysis from the 29:30 mark here: Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? L’humain était considéré jusque-là comme le seul être vivant capable de se fabriquer des outils pour se nourrir. Her exam grades were good enough to go to university, but her family could not afford it. He wanted someone who would look at chimpanzees with fresh eyes. En 2002, le secrétaire général des Nations unies, Kofi Annan, décerne à Jane le prix de Messagère de la Paix. Towards the end of school, Jane’s interest in English and biology picked up and she began enjoying learning again. Jane Goodall continues to work tirelessly in the interests of chimpanzees and natural habitats. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Jane Goodall is regarded as the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees. Jane a œuvré toute sa vie pour la protection des animaux sauvages et essaie toujours aujourd’hui de sensibiliser les nouvelles générations aux dangers de la pollution et de la déforestation sur les animaux sauvages, y compris les chimpanzés. People sometimes forget that chimpanzees are immensely strong animals: adults are strong enough to literally pull a human apart. Et les autorités acceptèrent ! Lorsque National Geographic décida de commanditer Jane dans ses recherches, le magazine envoya en 1963 un photographe et réalisateur aux côtés de Jane, Hugo Van Lawick. Goodall’s interest in observing animal life showed up early. Please use the following MLA compliant citation: Further Reading Direct link to EvanM's post “why does the time line go...”, Answer EvanM's post “why does the time line go...”, Comment on EvanM's post “why does the time line go...”, Posted 2 years ago. Image by Su Neko. Goodall recorded chimps hugging and kissing each other, developing strong mother and child bonds, and using their wits to out-think social rivals. C’est de cette observation qu’est née la pensée que les chimpanzés sont les « cousins » des humains, nos semblables. After finding another suitable group to follow, she established a non-threatening pattern of observation, appearing at the same time every morning on the high ground near a feeding area along the Kakombe Valley. Jane was a happy, lively girl, and it’s clear from the quote that she did not enjoy the regimented life school offered her. If they meet a solitary male from another chimpanzee tribe, they will chase, attack and, given the opportunity, kill him. Primatologist Jane Goodall, turning 80 this week, tells Henry Nicholls the inside story on how she transformed our understanding of chimpanzees, what it means to be human, and the controversy and . What Happens when the Universe chooses its own Units? The two fell in love and married in 1964. Jane Goodall’s groundbreaking discoveries and her conservation efforts have been recognized by a large number of honors, including: Gold Medal of Conservation from the San Diego Zoological Society in 1974 Nous avons plus de points en communs avec les chimpanzés que ce que nous imaginions. Bond. Born: 3 April 1934. Leakey proposa à Jane de mener cette étude, étant convaincu que celle-ci saurait s’adapter et qu’elle avait le tempérament adéquat à un isolement à long terme. "Probably because of the time," she tells Morgen in Jane. It had three other members: her sister Judy and two of their friends. Goodall also became a strong advocate for better conditions for captive chimpanzees and for ethical treatment of captive animals used in research. “Primates,” Life. Louis Leakey remarked: Meat Eating By remaining in almost constant contact with the chimps, Goodall discovered a number of previously unobserved behaviors: She noted that chimps have a complex social system, complete with ritualized behaviors and primitive but discernible communication methods, including a primitive "language" system containing more than 20 individual sounds. Her fascination with chimpanzees began as a result of a chimpanzee toy she received on her birthday. Les heures passées à regarder les chimpanzés manger, à attendre patiemment le moment où ils ne se mettraient pas à fuir en la voyant, à attendre les premiers contacts, rien de tout cela ne fut vain. To this day, she's considered the top expert . She graduated the following year, then moved from one clerical job to another, in Bournemouth, at Oxford University, and with a film company. Le dernier combat du Dre Goodall concerne les recherches sur les animaux en laboratoire, qu’elle voudrait voir prendre fin, même si l’éthologue sait pertinemment que cela n’arrivera pas. Goodall’s career direction changed in the 1990s as she realized that deforestation was having a devastating effect both on the wildlife and on the people in Tanzania. Son travail, ses recherches et ses efforts ont été reconnus par les plus grandes organisations de ce monde telle que l’Organisation des Nations Unies. London: BBC Worldwide, 2010. Only if we care, we will help. Her research taught the world that apes can communicate with one another and use tools to. Goodall was born on April 3, 1934, in London, England, to Mortimer Herbert Goodall, a businessperson and motor-racing enthusiast, and the former Margaret Myfanwe Joseph, who wrote novels under the name Vanne Morris Goodall. In the Shadow of Man, her first major work, appeared in 1971. In 1991 a group of 16 teenagers met Goodall on the back porch of her home in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to discuss what they could do to help the environment, animals, and the global human community. Jane Goodall observes a chimpanzee named Frodo © Kennan Ward/CORBIS An early interest in animal life Jane Goodall is considered one of the most famous anthropologists in history, largely due to her work with wild chimpanzees in the 1960s. Africa and Becoming a Naturalist Goodall was born on April 3, 1934, in London, England, to Mortimer Herbert Goodall, a businessperson and motor-racing enthusiast, and the former Margaret Myfanwe Joseph, who wrote novels under. Jane Goodall: A Biography Dr. Jane Goodall was only 26 when she traveled from England to what is now Tanzania to learn about wild chimpanzees in July 1960. Instead, she went to secretarial school and then worked as a secretary, including a job at Oxford University typing and filing. Dr. Jane Goodall, the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, will be celebrated in the West Coast premiere of "Becoming Jane: The Evolution of Dr. Jane Goodall," a new exhibition opening at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, it was announced Thursday. Priced at $35, the Dr. Jane Goodall Barbie is available through the Mattel Creations store, at Walmart and on Amazon. Her interest in animals led her to contact Louis Leakey, the famous seeker of hominine bones, who was then working in Africa. The only thing is that that evidence comes from the past, accompanying by a lot of difficulties in time recording. When she was about a year old her father gave her a toy chimpanzee called Jubilee. https://www.biography.com/scientist/jane-goodall. The wildlife legend wants to take the whole world on safari. Jane Goodall, née le 3 avril 1934 à Londres, en Angleterre, est une pionnière dans les recherches sur les rapports humain-animal et s’investit depuis toute petite dans la préservation de la vie animale sauvage d’Afrique. (Dr. Jane Goodall) Saving the World's Chimpanzees Dr. Goodall's fieldwork, and the time she spent living with and studying chimpanzees, has transformed our understanding of primates and brought a great deal of awareness to issues related to primate preservation, environmental conservation, and climate issues. I think the most important thing is to keep active and to hope that your mind stays active. Jane est une activiste née, qui continuera de défendre ses valeurs et de prendre position sur le traitement des animaux. Her supervisor taught her to write her work in such a way that it would be less open to criticism as ‘non-academic’ or ‘anthropomorphic.’ Scientists would not entertain the idea that animals could exhibit human type feelings or behavior. She imitated their behaviors, spent time in the trees and ate their foods. Recognized for her ground breaking discoveries about their behavior – she discovered that chimpanzees make tools, eat and hunt for meat, and have similar social behavior to humans – she completely transformed our understanding of our closest relative in the animal kingdom. In 1964, Goodall married the photographer and filmmaker Hugo Van Lawick. La jeune femme ne considérait pas les chimpanzés comme des « animaux de laboratoire » ou des sujets de recherche, mais comme des êtres vivants avec une conscience. One day, Goodall noticed that David Greybeard, searching for a snack, utilized a piece of grass to pull termites out of a termite mound. C’est après deux longues années teintées de patience et d’optimisme que Jane fut enfin acceptée, et qu’elle put créer un contact. The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. This challenge cost her the throne and her head. At age 83, Jane Goodall was hesitant to appear in yet another film about how she left behind everything she knew in England to study chimpanzees in the wild of Africa in 1960. Goodall was by now well-known for her work in Africa. Au cours de ses années à Gombe, Jane a connu trois générations de chimpanzés, créant des liens forts avec les familles. Growing up in Bournemouth, England, in the 1940s, Jane Goodall would dream that she was a man. Founded in 1977, the organization is based in Virginia but boasts some two dozen offices around the world. Jane attended elementary schools in Bournemouth and developed a passion for reading. Dre Jane Goodall est aujourd’hui une primatologue, anthropologue et éthologue reconnue à travers le monde entier. C’est avec beaucoup de difficulté, de tristesse, mais aussi d’enthousiasme devant un nouveau challenge que Jane décida de partir de Gombe, de quitter les chimpanzés pour faire retour vers la civilisation humaine. She only discovered this was a medically recognized condition when she was about 60. Then the chance came for her to realize her dream and visit Africa. Leakey had told Goodall that if she was calm and meant no harm to a chimp, the chimp would most likely sense this and not be hostile. Maternal Behavior is Not Instinctive In her long journey as a defender and protector of animals and being part of many such movements, she generated her net worth. Jane Goodall, in full Dame Jane Goodall, original name Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall, (born April 3, 1934, London, England), British ethologist, known for her exceptionally detailed and long-term research on the chimpanzees of Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. Direct link to Dip Enthusiast's post “Does Jane Goodall live in...”, Answer Dip Enthusiast's post “Does Jane Goodall live in...”, Comment on Dip Enthusiast's post “Does Jane Goodall live in...”, Posted 3 months ago. In March 2013, Goodall attracted media attention for her book Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the Plants, with Gail Hudson. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); Subscribe to the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives. With your class, read a letter written by Jane Goodall from the National Geographic archive. Career. But other research has shown similar levels of conflict without feeding stations. Goodall saw that good mothers engaged their older daughters in the care of their younger daughters, teaching them effective mothering skills. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2007. Dr. Jane Goodall has a strong spiritual connection with the natural world, recognizing a spark of the divine in every creature— even the trees. 1 second ago. Such observations seemed to prove that humans and chimps have much more social behavior in common than was previously believed. Bryceson, qui s’est battu contre le cancer, décéda en 1980. The first chimpanzee to accept Goodall she named David Greybeard. Jane menait une expérience, une quête avec comme seules armes sa patience, sa détermination et sa plume. Genre, santé, éducation et environnement : tout est connecté ! Une des nombreuses conférences que Jane donne tout au long de l’année, et à travers le monde! This celebration of Dr. Jane Goodall's decades of dedication, ground-breaking research and heroic achievements makes a great gift for collectors and kids ages 6 years old and up Specifications Hair Type: Straight Dimensions (Overall): 13 Inches (H) x 7 Inches (W) x 3 Inches (D) Weight: .75 Pounds Suggested Age: 6 Years and Up Skin Tone: Light He promptly hired her as his secretary. French Legion of Honor in 2006 Après une année passée à gagner de quoi payer le bateau, Jane prit le large et s’en alla un peu plus près de son rêve. 0 1 Less than a minute. ». "Becoming Jane: The Evolution of Dr. Jane Goodall" is a highly engaging exhibition that allows guests to experience the remarkable story of a true STEM pioneer. Goodall attended the Uplands private school, receiving her school certificate in 1950 and a higher certificate in 1952. "I love to write - it is a great source of reflection, especially as I continue to meet many new inspiring people." - Jane Goodall, www.huffingtonpost.co.uk, added Jan 30, 2017. Before beginning secretarial work for Leakey, Goodall spent time with a team including Leakey and his wife Mary searching for hominid fossils in Tanzania. She says that a lot of the world's problems would . If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us! Another day she saw him strip leaves from a twig to make a better tool to get at termites. Que nenni ! They were alone in the untamed African bush – an incredible adventure. Goodall has studied the behavior of chimpanzees for most of her life. How does Goodall’s word choice reveal the impact of her relationships with the chimpanzees and how it shaped her point of view to convey the central idea of the text? The toy had been made to celebrate London Zoo’s first chimpanzee birth in captivity. From an early age she loved animals and she enjoyed exploring gardens and observing the wildlife she found – anything from butterflies to slugs. Important discoveries: Found that chimpanzees have emotions, use tools and eat meat. In 1957 Goodall visited her friend’s family on their farm outside Nairobi and subsequently found a job as a secretary in the city. Mind, Life and Universe: Conversations with Great Scientists of Our Time Jane organized club events and wrote a club magazine. 2009. In 2016, Goodall likened the then-presidential candidate’s behavior to the aggression displayed by a male chimpanzee.
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